
Friday, 5 September 2014

The Northern Lights (and "Heavies")

"Stone of Destiny"
The prelude to our Kent excursion was spent in Good 'ol GY by the sea!!.T'other 'arf was preening herself and having the old Barnet trimmed(Cockney/Kentish rhyming slang: Barnet Fair = hair) so off I popped to sample Northern beer for the last time for a week. I try not to be predictable but' as this was just a quick taster before the journey “Darn Sarf”, I entered The Parity. This week the offerings were Tom Woods' “Harvest Bitter” or Brains' “The Reverend James”. I decided on the “Harvest” and it was thoroughly enjoyable.As this was a Friday night, there were a few more “patrons” in. Although a good atmosphere was in flow, I chose to give The Yarborough a look and wandered across. I started here on Inveralmond “Lia Fail”.I am reliably informed this means "Stone of Destiny" in Gaelic. I would describe this wonderfully aromatic beer as a “heavy” and the flavour was full and satisfying.I followed this with a beer I sampled many years ago. Elgood's “Cambridge Bitter”. An old fashioned tasting bitter, this ale transports you back to smokey rooms and wooden floors covered in sawdust.This beer has a rather dry and long finish and was as good as it was when I first experienced it. To finish the night I decided on Tom Woods' wonderfully dark “Bomber County”. This is always a good ale to finish on and, like a fine port, always leaves you with a warming glow. With an early start the following day, I was soon on my merry way home. Next port of call? Margate. The Jewel of Thanet.
Cheers and keep it "Real"

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