
Saturday, 6 September 2014

Wherefore art thou!

Birds singing, 
Sun shining like an Inca god's jewelled adornments
Giggsy, Tony's cat (Yes, another “Sarf East Man Utd fan!!), farting and sprawling in the garden. Time for a walk into town. We scrubbed up, dressed and, by 2pm we were on the right Northdown Rd heading towards the Seafront.
Spencer Finch's cloud thingy. I got this.
But the rest...????
We decided to give the Turner Centre a coat of looking at. Now, I know I am not an expert, but I do appreciate art. I used to be a keen photographer, and I can hold a pencil but, what is this modern stuff about. Some pieces are very clever and thought provoking, others........I won't comment because I just fail to grasp what they are about. Good job it was free. With our minds expanded, we wandered back down to the Harbour Arms and whilst Jane enjoyed another “Gold Digger” I sampled a Burton Bridge “Porter” an extremely dark, but not black pint at 4.5%. A good tasting beer but I was not sure that the Southern style of serving it, headless, or dropping it from the barrel, fully complemented this beer. I wasn't disappointed by it, but having tasted it in the Midlands before, it did lack just a little something. Just a little aside here. Margate on this particular Sunday had a live artist at the Lighthouse bar, whilst outside the “cafe” area on the seafront, several acts performed live throughout the day. It made it busy and pleasant. Free live entertainment fetches in the people who stay and enjoy it AND the other facilities. Maybe other resorts need too take that on board. We headed next, after a lovely toasted

panini in the ever popular Huckleberry's cafe, to Barnacles, overlooking the Harbour. This pleasant boozer seemed to be a good locals' meeting place and was quite busy. The beer we chose was Adnams' “Fat Sprat” as the only other cask was from Courage, and I am not a fan. Personal taste I know, but I have heard stated before that “you need courage to drink Courage”. Our beer was light in colour, but tasted superb and was really refreshing, commanding a long hoppy finish. At 3.8% it would be a good summer session beer. We finished our drinks and then wandered (or in my case,winced and hobbled on a rather sore Achilles) our wary way home. Another wonderful day in Thanet.
Cheers and keep it "Real"

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