Friday 5/9/14
On our
arrival back in NE Lincs from them there Southern climes, we felt
that, after a short period of re-acclimatisation, Northern beers
needed taking back on board. With this in mind, on Friday Evening,
T'other 'arf and I found ourselves on the Waterfront in Grimsby,
staring, nay, salivating at The Ice Barque. This enigmatic watering
hole never fails to amaze me. Either the “clientèle” is loud,
offensive and colourful, or the atmosphere is as relaxed as a
Horlicks addicts' pyjama party. This evening, the latter applied. The
only beer to really grab our eyes was “Kalamazoo Amber Ale” from
the Bell's Brewers Inc. in the US.
This 5.8% brew was produced in
conjunction with Wadworth's in Devizes and Bell's John Mallett, and
came across as sweet and biscuity, with very little hopiness. Not an
unpleasant beer, despite a strong, almost fruity taste, but a style
that needs some getting used to. Before the snoring started, we left
and headed to The Friary in Victoria Street. The beer here can be
“hit and miss”, but the welcome is generally warm and friendly.
The choices are also somewhat limited. Greene King IPA or Well's
“Bombardier” the usual offerings. This visit we had just one, the
“Bombardier”, to pick from. I am quite indifferent about this
beer. It is malty, with an underlying caramel taste and, although not
a favourite, I have had a few nights in the past solely on this brew.
This pint was as average as most pints of this are. Our drinks
finished, we headed out the back door,across the road to The
Yarborough Hotel. Aha, this is where everyone is hiding on this fine
evening. A good range of beers was on display at both bars, and we
plumped for a pint of Summerskill's “Ninja Beer” a light coloured
5% Premium Bitter, and a half of Wharfe Bank's “Rye Stone Cowboy”
an Amber Ale of the same strength. Mine was clean tasting with a
pronounced fruity bitterness in the finish, whilst the half was
similar but with a spiciness to the taste. We then had “Celt Native
Storm” from Wales' Celtic Experience Brewery, a dry tasting ESB
with a 4.4% ABV and a spicy/biscuity finish, while T'other 'arf went
for Otter Brewery's Otter Ale a fruity and malty 4.5% Premium Ale. We
finished off in JDW's with a pint of Backyard's “Hellbound”( an
Old Ale of 5.4% which reminded me off a thick slice of fruit cake, in
a glass. Not very aromatic but a big gob-full of flavours) and a half
each of Cameron's “Strong Arm”, an old favourite which,sadly,
died in the glass, and Burton Bridge “Battle Brew”. The latter is
a bitter tasting Pale Ale, packed with hops, and ,at 5%, certainly
not a session beer. Time was, unfortunately, ticking and we left to
hunt down a bag of chips for our return home. A typical beery night
out in Grimsby complete. Enjoyable? Well, to be honest, just
comfortable, and probably predictable.
Today, we
had our Grandson for a few hours. As usual, swimming was on the
agenda. I decided to go down my allotment whilst T'other 'arf did the
dutiful stuff ,the first time I have visited the plot for 8 days.
Shame on me!! I have a few fruit trees on the plot. Although quite
new, only 3 years in the ground, my pear tree has produced very well
this season. When we left, there was a good 20 almost ripe pears
dangling from the laden branches. My growing season has been somewhat
poor this year, due to flooding and unpredictability of the weather,
so we were looking forward to our pear harvest, those sweet, juicy
fruits. Arriving at the plot, I hastened to the top, near the shed,
to check on the progress...............only to find ALL apart from
one were were missing from the branches. Oh dear. They must have
dropped off whilst we were away. As I approached the tree, I was
expecting to gather a few bruised fruits at the bottom, on the
ground. Not one in sight. We had been robbed. Yes. Fruit rustlers.
How pee-ed off was I ? With plenty of fruit trees full, and within
arms length, down on our allotment site, to single out ours was, I
believe, particularly despicable. Oh well, I hope our little pear
tree produces fruit as plentiful next year, and I hope this years
fruit was full of bugs and insects.
Feeling fed
up, after swimming and dropping off of our charge, we found ourselves
in The Parity.
Anonimity assured ! |
On offer were a couple of Brains' beers, the ever
popular “Rev James” and the Dylan Thomas inspired “Organ
Morgan”. A thirst quencher of a Golden Ale, at 4%, this subtly
citrus beer has a good aroma and clean taste. We stayed with this
brew for the duration. On remarking about the beer's name and its
origin, I was surprised to find that the young lady who served me had
not even heard of Mr Thomas!! “He was one of our (British) most
famous writers and poets” I offered. “Nah, never heard of him”
Again I offered some clarity “ Have you heard of “Under Milk
Wood” or “And Death Shall Have No Dominion” ?” “Nope”
“You can Google his name if you want” I conceeded. “Did he play
rugby or something?” I left with my glass to the brim with
goodness, and sat, cogitating on the fact that the literature taught
in modern English probably ain't wot it oughta be, innit! I wonder
when the X-Factor inspired beers will appear.
Work on
Monday. Just over two weeks of annual leave were coming to an end.The
last 3 days, I had been reduced to my knees, grazed and bloodied,
with hands in a similar state, laying a patio at home. This had also
allowed my troublesome achiles to flare up yet again. Now, it was
time to ease my aches and pains with the last ales of my holiday.
T'other 'arf and I started out at The Parity, and were not surprised
that Dylan Thomas was still quite anonymous, and his “Organ Morgan”
may gone, but it had been replaced by the equally light and
refreshing “Heavenly Blonde”. A zesty fruitiness complements the
dry, crisp finish of this 3.8% Golden Ale from Oldershaw's. There
were a few in here catching the football on Sky but the atmosphere
was very low key. After a couple of these refreshing ales on board,
we bade farewell and left the dejected Liverpool fans to water down
their beer with tears (Villa were 1-0 up). The other day, I had
noticed The Ice Barque had a beer “available soon” that I was
anxious to taste. As we entered, its pump clip seemed to shine out,
like a beacon, drawing us ever closer to its expectant pleasures.
Another American craft beer, brewed exclusively for Wetherspoon's at
the Caledonian Brewery, Barley Brown's “Black I.P.A.” at 5.2%
.jpg) |
A lovely dark brew from the USA. |
beautifully in the glass. The taste was, at first, quite
ordinary, but then, the complexity of its flavours and depth of the
aroma hits home. Smoothness gives way to a wonderful hoppy bitterness
in the finish. A beer well worth waiting for. I forced another down,
gratefully, and we wandered the little way up to JDW's other pub, The
Yarborough. In here, I opted for Naylor's “Old Ale”. A strong ,
6.2% full bodied ale, with a long fruity finish. Nice, but not
special. The half was Goff's “Jouster” A much lighter, tawny
coloured ale with a well balanced maltiness and bitterness. The hops
gave it a fresh after-taste. 4% ABV. To finish, I went for Hawkshead
“Red Ale” , a 4.6% Premium ale. I found the flavour good, but
also a little sweet and overpowering. The round was completed by
“Terrapin Red”, a slightly stronger ale at 5.3%. This has a
rather biscuity aroma and a citrus flavour which leads to a
satisfying spiced rye finish.The balance seemed spot on, and it was
pleasing to finish on an ale like this.
Where and
when next, I cannot say. With Summer now at an end and the darker
nights now enveloping us, gradually, the draw of the closed curtains,
and the warmth within, may be stronger than the gravitational pull
felt by the local hostelries. There will be breaks in it, that I am
sure, but maybe not so frequent. Until the next time, Cheers and keep
it “Real”