On Sunday the weather was, well at best, unsettled. After weighing up the odds, and an early shift to contend with the following day, we decided to do a spot of shopping. This rewarding interlude in a Beermonster's day off is always a bonus if planned around a hostelry! I am noted for my planning AND manipulation.. After working our way via Sainsbury's, B & M (some good deals there on drinks and soft fluffy stuff, t'other arf says) The Yarborough loomed into view and Kelham Island's "Mind Control" caught my attention.How apt. How nice ? Very. At 6.9% it is not for the faint hearted.A double IPA, the smoothness of this ale was extremely pleasurable and I think the brewers have nailed this one, as they normally do.T'other arf opted for Sadler's JPA (Jack's Pale Ale) a very palid looking bitter. 3.8 % and although not a bad beer, the taste was, in our opinion, a little bland.I also endulged in a pint of the Hull based brewer's Great Newsome, "Line and Length" a 4.1 % bitter which seemed very full flavoured and went down well.This was accompanied by a half for the lady of "Shefford's Old Strong" from Banks and Taylor.A pleasing hopiness to this which was quite floral I thought Another one to be respected at 5%. Both types of retail therapy over, we wandered home, only to be drawn into The Parity. Those damned neon signs just don't allow a man free passage..........I opted for Oakham's offering of "Bishop's Farewell" a 4.6% premium ale. Dark and fruity but quite dry on the palate, a nicely balanced pint indeed.The half FTL (for the lady!) was B & T's "Born Free" Nice Summer beer but nothing exceptional. A 4% ABV would make it a good session beer and the floral taste is not unpleasant. Enough of the beer for today, it was only 2-30 and the sun had poked it's head out, so the lounger in the garden beckoned. Then it rained!!!
The case of the Scotch egg......

What a lovely day dawned on Thursday.As JDW's were hosting their Cider Festival, I had arranged to meet up with work colleague Dave the Rave( pictured left) in the Yarborough. Of course the hope of an early finish at work was scuppered, T'other arf had an appointment she needed dropping off at, and the scheduled meet time ended up 3 hrs later!! I have to admit it was poorly planned so blame someone else is best. Well cider not being my thing, I will use Dave's musings by proxy.Dave was on "Waddlegoose Lane's Woodsprite" 5.8% when I arrived. "It's allright you kid" was the verdict. "I had one of those whisky barrel ones earlier.Not bad. Not bad at all" was the brief synopsis of Thirstly Cross's 6.9% Whisky Cask cider.The taster of the"beetroot one" was "not bad but I don't know,Shag,I wouldn't want much, and the other one(??) was a bit boring" whichever that one was. After an Old Rosie which "wasn't what it usually tastes like" The Waddlegoose Lane had won Dave's tastebuds over.I went for Great Newsome's "Jem's Stout" a lovely stout but not a heavy drink.ABV of 4.3%. One to savour but a noticeable lack of head for this style. My second choice was from the same brewers. "Frothingham Best" 4.3% and a quite dry finish to the subtle aroma. This went down well. I had espied another of the American Craft beers, brewed over here in conjunction with our own brewing fraternaties, and I have become a fan of these styles. This offering was "Enraptured" a brew from "The Alchemist" stable from Vermont. With the assistance of Adnams, this dark IPA at 5.5% is purely delightful. Full flavoured but not overpowering I was certainly impressed and remained on it for the remainder of our session.After meandering down to JDW's other hostelry, "The Ice Barque" and convincing Dave's friends of yore that a) I was in the Ministry and there to save them from themselves and b) "I was picked on at school cos me Mam christened me Elvis. She was a fan. Honest!" for a brief period, we waddled like geese down the lane. Dave offered his hospitality and I accepted and soon we were enjoying the sunshine in his garden.First on offer was a cuppa. Most welcome. Next chicken legs. Now, drinking is drinking and eating is eating.I very rarely mix the two. I know when the take-away fairies are calling and it wasn't now.Still Mein Host is persuasive so I pecked away. Next, the appearance of Scotch Eggs. No. Can't do one. No Way.More persuasion. No thanks.Then a bit of Father Ted-ness "Go on,go on go on go on" OK. I nibbled. Hmm quite nice.I AM partial to savouries.Nibble nibble. Yes, Cheers Dave. Bite through to the whiteness of the egg. Oh yeah, I will enjoy this.As we talked, I relaxed and began to appreciate the sun, surroundings,company and the fact that I had a Scotch Egg when a moistness enveloped my hand. I slowly looked down. My egg,My lovely Scotch Egg. Vanished. All that was visible was the tail end of 2 black Labradors, and I swear one was smirking. "Oh, mate, what did you do that for.You didn't have to feed the dogs!!" Crestfallen at the loss of my Caledonian Ovoid delight I could only apologies at being the victim of Canine muggers! I did feel better after 3 glasses of Monkey Shoulder Whisky though,even if the next day started with a thick head and empty stomach.
Cheers and keep it "Real"